Seattle Wine Blog

This blog is dedicated to commentary on all aspects of wine, especially short entries to help you find the best wines without the usual hype and spin. These are my frank, independent opinions, usually based on tasting wine at a public event, off the shelf or at the winery. "All creative acts must arise out of a specific soil and flicker with a spirit of place" -D.H. Lawrence

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Walla Walla Winery IV - Balboa Winery

Hidden from view by Beresan Winery, Balboa Winery is producing what may be the best value wines in Walla Walla. Winemaker Tom Glase, a refugee from the Puget Sound area, seems to work at both wineries. All of the Balboa wines are well made and well priced. For under twenty dollars you can find the wine to your taste - these are drinker-friendly wines. All the wines have screwcaps so you know you aren't going to get stuck with a "corked" wine. The wine I liked the best was the 2006 Balboa Merlot which is perfectly balanced, has great fruit, and captures the Merlot flavors without being jammy. Here is hope for a new countertrend in Walla Walla away from increasing prices and lessening quality at some ither wineries.


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